Our Challenge: Balancing rural character & commercial growth in Sonoma County

Our Mission: Preserve Rural Sonoma County works to protect the rural character of Sonoma County from the urbanization and commercialization of agricultural and rural lands. 



  1. Actively support policy, regulatory solutions and enforcement that sustain long-term cooperation among residents, businesses and the Ag community. 
  2. Work collaboratively with stakeholders and allied groups to develop a comprehensive approach to ensure retention of Sonoma County’s quality of life and the future health of our region socially, environmentally and economically.
  3. Educate, advocate and organize to protect our families and neighborhoods, watersheds and wildlife habitat, addressing traffic safety, noise impacts, and other impacts on the quality of life.
  4. Challenge inappropriate projects or policies that threaten the protection of rural Sonoma County and are out of compliance with the General Plan, Zoning Codes and environmental laws.  

Sonoma County used to be called God’s Country before it became Wine Country. Join our efforts to stop inappropriate projects from destroying the rural beauty and quality of life we all enjoy. Get involved!

Thank you to our fiscal sponsor:
